AMHA 186796 NZMHA 7608
Height: 75.5cm as a yearling
DOB: 16/10/2007
Sire: AM PRIVATE BUCKS (Imp USA) 33¾" (Chestnut/White Pinto)
Grand Sire: ALLIANCE TENDERS PRIVATE STOCK (USA) 31" (Chestnut/White Pinto)
Great Grand Sire: LOVE ME TENDER (USA) 33" (Black/White Pinto)
Great Grand Dam: NFC's JADED LADY (USA) 32" (Chestnut/White Pinto)
Great Great Grand Sire: PRINCE TENNESSEE MONASHEE (USA) 30" (Bay/White Pinto)
Great Grand Sire: BOONES LITTLE BUCKEROO (USA) 30½" (Solid Buckskin)
Great Great Grand Sire: BOONES LITTLE BUCKEROO (USA) 30½" (Solid Buckskin)
Great Great Great Grand Sire: BOONES LITTLE BUCKEROO
(USA) 30½" (Solid Buckskin)
Dam: SHEOKES TOUCH GOLD (AMHA) 30" (Solid Sorrel)
Grand Sire: SWEETWATERS BAY BOY (Imp USA) 30½" (Solid Bay)
Grand Dam: SHEOKES SCOUTS COPPER GLOW (AMHA) 30½" (Solid Sorrel with Lacing)
Great Grand Sire: FALLEN ASH FARMS SCOUTS HONOR (Imp USA) 33¼" (Bay/White Pinto)
Great Great Grand Sire: L&D SCOUT (USA) 31½" (Black/White Pinto)
Great Great Great Grand Sire: ORION LIGHT VANT HUTTENEST (USA) 31" (Pintaloosa)
Woody's pedigree contains 9 generations of Registered horses, comprising a total of 88 AMHA Registered Horses
This young full American gelding not only exhibits great presence but he also boasts a superb pedigree of top ranking AMHA horses!
Woody is the first foal sired by our 21x Supreme Champion AM PRIVATE BUCKS (Imp USA) ... PRIVATE BUCKS is not only a superior halter horse but he has incredible movement, a fabulous slender neck, awesome legs and just oozes with show ring presence.
PRIVATE PASSWORD attended three shows as a foal (with competition) for 2x 1sts, 1x 2nd, 1x Champion and 2x Reserve Champions ... he has a great career ahead of him as a show gelding!
He is very willing to please and has a tremendous attitude and disposition, making him easy to work with. His head is beautiful, he has large expressive eyes, a long shapely neck, correct conformation and big straight movement.
His grand sire ALLIANCE TENDERS PRIVATE STOCK is a multiple AMHA Top Ten Horse with many Championships to his credit. He began his breeding career in 2003 having produced only two other colts for 2004 which were sold to top breeding and showing establishments in the USA. PRIVATE STOCK is a maternal brother to National Grand Champion GROSSHILL BOOGERMANS FINE LINE.
His great grandsire LOVE ME TENDER has established himself as a producer of AMHA National Champions as well as an AMHA National Reserve Grand Champion to his credit. Although starting his breeding career late, he has proven himself to be a powerful force in the Miniature Horse industry. Tender was a two time AMHA National Champion in driving as well as a National Champion Get of Sire and a Reserve National Champion in colour. He has had many Top Tens in halter and numerous Championships and Supreme Halter Horse titles.
His great granddam NFCs JADED LADY is one of the most famous broodmares in the AMHA. She was AMHA National Champion Senior Mare and to date has produced an AMHA National Grand Champion, an AMHA National Reserve Grand Champion as well as other AMHA National Championships in halter.
His great great grandsire PRINCE TENNESSEE MONASHEE was a famous leading sire of National Futurity winners. He was National Champion Senior Stallion, Top Ten Get of Sire, Top Ten Futurity and sire of many National Champions.
His grand dam LITTLE KINGS BUCKEROO MOONSTRUCK is a very beautiful and elegant "triple bred" BOONES LITTLE BUCKEROO daughter.
His great grandsire, great great grandsire and great, great, great, grandsire BOONES LITTLE BUCKEROO certainly needs no introduction. Not many horses have lasted as long and retained popular longevity like BUCKEROO. He has been recognised time and again for his accomplishments as a miniature horse with that "Unmistakable Look at Me Look". BUCKEROO has stood the test of time ... his descendants have met their trial by competition and have come out victorious in all levels ... The qualities of BUCKEROO breeds on!
If you are looking for a great little horse with personality, looks and pedigreee, then look no further!
Great Great Grand Sire
Prince Tennessee Monashee
... the most successful bloodline in the history of the Miniature Horse!

Sheokes Touch Gold

Grand Sire
Sweetwaters Bay Boy
(Imp USA)

Great Grand Sire
Fallen Ash Farms Scouts Honor
(Imp USA)

AM Private Bucks
(Imp USA)

Grand Sire
Alliance Tenders Private Stock

Grand Dam
Little Kings Buckeroo Moonstruck

Great Grand Sire
Great Great Grand Sire / Great Great Great Grand Sire
Boones Little Buckeroo

Great Grand Sire
Love Me Tender

Great Grand Dam
NFCs Jaded Lady

Great Great Grand Sire
L&D Scout

Great Great Great Grand Sire
Orion Light Vant Huttenest